Pet Food Pantry

The Pet Food Pantry is a community resource to assist low-income families and individuals in the City of Los Angeles experiencing financial hardship who need help feeding their animal companions.
At each event, one-gallon bag of dog or cat food per pet will be given to participants. Limit one participant per household for up three cats and/or dogs per household. (LAMC 53.50).
If you would like to help support and stock the Pet Food Pantry, you can:
- Drop off unopened cat or dog food at any of our Animal Services Centers
- Make a monetary online donation through our donation form.

Effective February 1, 2024, participation in the LA Animal Services Pet Food Pantry program will require all recipients to enroll in our new system.
The Pet Food Pantry provides cat and dog food to low-income residents of Los Angeles whose pets are spayed/neutered and licensed. Once your enrollment is approved, you will receive instructions on how you will be able to pick up your pet food each Sunday.
If you are not enrolled, please enroll in-person at one of the following locations:
Chesterfield Square
1850 W 60th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90047
East Valley
14409 Vanowen Street
Van Nuys, CA 91405
*Parking at this shelter is limited. When arriving for the Pet Food Pantry, please park on Lennox Ave.
North Central
3201 Lacy Street
Los Angeles, CA 90031
- Participants MUST be enrolled in the Pet Food Pantry Program to receive food.
- New enrollment is available during pantry operating hours (most Sundays between 1 PM and 4 PM).
- Participants must be the pet’s owner, and provide the name, weight, sex, and animal license number (when applicable) of their animal companion.
- Participants will self-certify that they are low-income (based on current local HUD).
- Participants must live in Los Angeles City and provide their name, address, or declaration that they are experiencing homelessness, telephone number, and email address.
- LAAS requires that participants agree to treat their pets humanely and provide medical assistance as needed.
- If the pet is unaltered, pet owners may obtain a discount or FREE spay/neuter voucher. They will be advised that the pet must be altered to continue receiving food.
- Participants will receive a one-gallon bag of species-appropriate pet food per pet for up to three cats and/or dogs per household.
- Participants understand that registration and participation may be revoked at the discretion of Los Angeles Animal Services for any reason including if the pet is not altered and the client refuses to have the pet altered.
- Participants must agree to treat all volunteers, staff, visitors and other participants with respect
- Participants must agree to allow LAAS to use any photos of you and your pet that may be taken at the time of food distribution.
Veterans Qualify for Pet Food Pantry as well. Documents proving military service that are accepted:
DD Form 214, 215, 256, NGB Form 22
Military ID Card (active duty, National Guard, Reserves, IRR, or retiree).
VA Issued ID Card for Health Care
Veterans ID Card (starting Nov. 2017)
Veterans Designation on Drivers License or State Veterans ID Card (almost all states now offer this)
Veterans Group Membership Card (VFW, American Legion, DAV, etc.)