Animal Licenses
As of May 27, 2024 a moratorium on the issuance of new dog breeding permits is in effect. (LAMC 53.15.2(f)). For more information, please visit our Permits page.
Dogs and horses (any equine) are required to be licensed in the City of Los Angeles.
License tags identify guardians of lost animals. Each license tag has a unique number assigned to your animal only.
People who find an animal with a tag can call our telephone number printed on the tag for quick guardian identification and reunion with the lost animal.
If a licensed animal is lost or taken to a shelter, LA Department of Animal Services can identify the guardian by the tag number and contact the registered animal guardian. Animals with licensing information are held in the shelters while the guardians are contacted.
Apply for or Renew Your License Online
All dogs over four months of age and kept within the City of Los Angeles must be licensed (LAMC 53.28) and must be spayed or neutered (LAMC 53.15.2(b)). A dog license is valid only when the required rabies vaccination certificate, issued by a licensed veterinarian, is provided to the Department and only as long as the rabies vaccination is effective. (LAMC 53.51)
No person shall keep or maintain more than three (3) dogs over four (4) months of age at any premises, including any Dwelling Unit as defined in Section 12.03, or at any lot, building, structure, enclosure, or premises that does not constitute a Dwelling Unit. (LAMC 53.06.1).
Effective February 1, 2009, the City of Los Angeles also licenses dogs for residents of the City of Beverly Hills.
License Fee Schedule (as of October 2010) |
Term | 1 Year | 3 Year |
Dogs – Altered** | $20 | $55 |
Dogs – Unaltered | See Spay Neuter Law Information | |
Low income Seniors (62 +)/Disabled | $10 | N/A |
Replacement Tag | $5 | $5 |
**Altered means female animals are spayed, male animals are neutered |
The dog guardian must provide a copy of Rabies Vaccination and Surgical Sterilization (if available). Original certificates will not be returned. PLEASE SEND A COPY.
Dog license tags shall be affixed to a collar or harness, and must be worn by the dog at all times when off the guardian premises.
If you find a dog with a City of Los Angeles License Tag, please telephone your local Animal Shelter (888-452-7381) for information on reuniting the lost companion animal with the guardian.
Seniors Qualifications for $10 Dog License
Dog’s rabies certificate and license must be current. You can obtain a replacement tag for $5.00 at your local Shelter or by mailing your check to the:
Attn: Licensing
Department of Animal Services
221 N. Figueroa Street
6th Floor, Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Renew your horse license online
Section 53.15.1 of the Municipal code provides for an equine license fee of $14.00 per year for each horse, pony, burro, mule, donkey or other equine 12 months or older.
License Fee Schedule (as of March 1, 2013) |
Term | Price |
1 Year | $14.00 |
2 Year | $22.40 |
3 Year | $29.40 |
4 Year | $33.60 |
5 Year | $35.00 |

License Application for Spayed or Neutered Dog
NOTE: Before proceeding to download the License Application form below, please locate your zip code below. If you can’t locate your zip code below then please do not submit application because you are not regulated by the City of Los Angeles, Department of Animal Services.*These zip codes are partially covered by the City of Los Angeles, Department of Animal Services and other regulatory Agencies. If you pay your Water and Power bill to DWP you are regulated by the City of Los Angeles, Department of Animal Services.
90001* 90010 90018 90027 90036 90045 90059* 90068 90230 90292* 90732 91303 91326 91345 91405 91602 |
90002* 90011 90019 90028 90037 90046* 90061* 90069* 90232* 90293 90744 91304 91330* 91352 91406 91604 |
90003 90012 90020 90029 90038 90047* 90062 90071 90245 90404* 90810* 91306 91331 91356 91411 91605 |
90004 90013 90021 90031 90039 90048* 90063* 90073 90247* 90501* 91040 91307 91335 91364 91423 91606 |
90005 90014 90023* 90032 90041 90049 90064 90077 90248* 90502* 91042 91311 91340* 91367 91436 91607 |
90006 90015 90024 90033 90042 90056* 90065 90089 90272 90710* 91043 91316 91342* 91401 91504 91608* |
90007 90016 90025 90034 90043* 90057 90066 90094 90290 90717* 91214* 91324 91343 91402 91505 90211 |
90008 90017 90026 90035 90044* 90058* 90067 90210 90291* 90731 91302* 91325 91344 91403 91601 90212 |
Discount License for Low-Income Seniors
If you’re 62 years and older and low-income, you qualify for a $10 dog license. You must provide proof that your dog is spayed/neutered and has a valid rabies vaccination certificate. This discounted license is limited to one per household.
For information on qualifying income amounts, and to apply, please complete the $10 Discount Dog License Application and mail it to:
Attn: Discount Dog License Application
Department of Animal Services
221 N. Figueroa Street
6th Floor, Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Discount License for Low-Income Disabled Individuals
A low-income disabled individual may qualify for one $10 dog license. You must provide proof that your dog is spayed/neutered and has a valid rabies vaccination certificate. This discounted license is limited to one per household.
To qualify, the disabled individual must meet the definition of the California Fair Employment and Housing act or the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. If you do, please complete the $10 Discount Dog License Application and mail it to:
Attn: Discount Dog License Application
Department of Animal Services
221 N. Figueroa Street
6th Floor, Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Service Dog Identification Tags
To obtain a service dog identification tags, you must complete the “Service Dog Identification Tag Application and Affidavit.“ There is no cost for the service dog tag. However, your dog must also have a valid, current dog license at the time of issuance. Emotional support or companion animals are not eligible for service dog identification tags.
Attn: Service Dog Affidavit
Department of Animal Services
221 N. Figueroa Street
6th Floor, Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Free Spay/Neuter Services for Pit Bulls/Pit Bull Mixes in Sylmar and Pacoima
Through a generous grant from the Jason Debus Heigl Foundation and the Department of Animal Services, your pit bull/pit bull mix can be sterilized for free. If you live in Zip Codes 91331 (Pacoima) or 91342 (Sylmar), contact the following veterinarians for an appointment:
- Dr. Alexander Taub, Taub Veterinary Services 323-896-2751
- The Lucy Pet Foundation, 855-499-LUCY