Palisades Fire

Palisades Fire: Resources for People & Pets

Los Angeles Fire Evacuation Animal Services Hotline

The evacuation of families from their homes during Palisades Fire caused pets to be separated from owners. If your pets have gone missing due to the wildfires and you are needing assistance to find them, please call the Los Angeles FIRE Evacuation Animal Services Hotline at 213-270-8155. You will be prompted to provide your contact information and to answer key questions about your pet, their possible location, and needs. A care team of trained Animal Control Officers from LA Animal Services and surrounding municipal jurisdictions will be dispatched to the location where the animal is needing assistance. You will be notified once the care team has visited the property.   

If you have a disability and need an alternative way to contact the hotline, please complete the Los Angeles FIRE Evacuation Animal Services Form in English or Spanish. 

Animals from Palisades Fire

Many pets displaced from the Palisades Fire have been taken to our shelters waiting to be reunited with their owners. Click on the Palisades Fire Animals site to view the dogs, cats, birds, and turtles, who have made their way into our care.

Once on the page, click on the animal's photo for more info and to find and which shelter the animal is located.

Help Reunite Lost Pets with Families

If you have lost or found a pet, the City and County of Los Angeles Animal Shelters are partnering with Petco Love Lost a free national lost-and-found pet database, to help reunite pets with their families. By uploading a photo of your lost or found pet to Petco Love Lost, you can increase the chances of a successful reunion. The platform uses photo- matching technology to help reunite lost pets with their pet parents. The community may also view LA Animal Services’ Lost Pet Search page and Los Angeles Animal Care and Control’s Lost Pet page.

Evacuation Centers for People and Pets

The following evacuation center is open for residents and their pets displaced by the fire. LA Animal Services is providing crates, bowls, pet food, and blankets. 

  • Westwood Rec Center - 1350 S Sepulveda Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025

For the latest updates on the resources available to residents affected by the Palisades Fire, go to

Ways You Can Help Animals in Shelters 

Here are more urgent ways you can help animals in our care: 

  • Foster or Adopt a Pet. When you foster you provide temporary care for a dog or cat and create lifesaving space in our shelters for injured, lost, and homeless animals with nowhere else to go. LA Animal Services has expedited our foster application process. Visit any of the six LA Animal Service locations to get started on your foster journey. Life is better with a pet, and when you adopt, you are giving that animal a second chance to be in a loving home while gaining a furry friend ready to give you their unconditional love. 
  • Monetary donations. This is the best way to help animals in times of an emergency as it ensures we will be able to access necessary resources to provide support.
  • Volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering, please go to our Volunteer page.
  • Donate pet food. We accept unopened canned and dry pet food at any of our six LA Animal Services shelters, and at the three Pet Food Pantry locations in Chesterfield Square/South LA (1850 W. 60th St., LA 90047), East Valley (14409 Vanowen St., Van Nuys 91405), and North Central (3201 Lacy St., LA 90031).


Local Assistance & Disaster Recovery Centers

The City and County worked closely with the state and FEMA to open Disaster Recovery Centers for Angelenos impacted by the fires. 

Recovery Centers support individuals with the following:

  • Lost vital records (birth certificates, death certificates, driver’s licenses, social security documentation) 
  • Disaster relief for people with homes and businesses lost or damaged by the fire.
  • Referrals for mental health counseling and other services.

Open Daily from 9am to 8pm


  • UCLA Research Park (formerly Westside Pavillion): 10850 W Pico Blvd, CA 90064

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Upon request, reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services are available to support effective communication and ensure equal access to programs, services, and activities. While requests for accommodations are preferable at least 24 hours in advance, we will make every effort to fulfill requests received with less notice. To request disability-related accommodations, interpreting, language translation, or auxiliary aids and services, please notify any staff member, email, call 311, or dial 711 for CA Relay.


  • Altadena Disaster Recovery Center: 540 W Woodbury Rd, Altadena, CA 91001 
Resources for Pet Owners

Please click here to view the flyer on returning to areas that have been affected by fires, smoke and ash.

If you were affected by the fires and need pet food or supplies, please visit our East Valley Animal Services Center during operating hours. Click here for additional information about East Valley Animal Services Center.

Be Prepared for an Emergency!

Ensure Your Pet is Part of Your Family Emergency Plan

The best way to handle any emergency or disaster is by being prepared. Plan ahead and ensure your pet is part of your family emergency plan.

An unpredictable emergency situation can happen at any time. Making a plan to be as ready as possible will help all of your family members, two-legged and four-legged alike, be safe for any emergency.

Be ready for any natural disaster or emergency situation with these tips and by using this Emergency Plan Checklist.

Bigger dog outside with owner's hand on their back

More Emergency Preparedness Tips and Info

Visit our Emergency Preparedness page for more information and resources on how to keep you and your pets safe. 

Dog with woman owner face to face smiling at each other

Thank you to our lifesaving partners who help us care for #LACityPets