Coronavirus & Pets
I'm worried about Covid-19, will my pet be ok?

With the continuing rise of cases related to COVID-19, the following are some simple steps you can take to help protect you and the health and safety of your family and pets:
- When walking your dog, maintain at least 6 feet (2 meters) of space between you and other people and animals.
- Don’t let your pet interact with people or other animals outside your household.
- Wash your hands after playing with your animal companion, and after handling their bedding and toys, or food bowls.
- If you are sick, keep your distance away from other people and pets, and ask a family member to take care of your furry family member (if possible).
- If you can’t find someone to care for your pet, continue to keep you and your pet in quarantine for 14 days after you are symptom free.
- If your pet is sick, call your veterinarian.
- Just like your family emergency plan, ensure your pets are part of your family emergency plan.
View the most current FAQ from LA County Department of Public Health related to COVID-19 and pets:
- There is no evidence that pets can spread COVID-19 to humans.
- Pets can spread other diseases to people, however, so wash your hands after handling pets.
- Good hygiene and veterinary care always helps keep pets and people healthy.