Need help getting info or locating a pet that went missing due to the wildfires?
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Anonymous Donor to Match All Donations up to $25,000 to Spay Neuter Trust Fund

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Anonymous Donor to Match All Donations up to $25,000 to Spay Neuter Trust Fund

Los Angeles, January 7, 2021 – An anonymous donor has pledged $25,000 in matching funds to donations made to The Spay and Neuter Trust Fund. The donations received will help keep spay and neuter vans on the road.


To donate to The Spay and Neuter Trust Fund, please click here.


“This matching grant towards mobile spay and neuter clinics help ensure that we are able to provide spay and neuter surgeries to pets in underserved communities.” said Brenda Barnette, General Manager for LA Animal Services.

“It’s also the law in the City of Los Angeles for all cats and dogs to be spayed or neutered after the age of four months.”


There are many benefits to spaying or neutering your dog or cat, including:


  • Adding to the longevity of your best buddy by lowering the risk of certain cancers and other diseases.


  • Preventing unwanted litters.


  • Decreasing the chances of your pet roaming. As a result, they are less likely to escape your yard and get lost or hit by a car.


  • Reducing or eliminating male pets from marking objects with urine, while removing heat cycles from female pets.


  • Curbing aggressive behaviors such as fighting or biting.


LA Animal Services offers free or low cost Spay & Neuter Certificates and Vouchers, which are available online at to pet owners who live in the City of Los Angeles. These Spay & Neuter Certificates cover the cost of a companion animal’s sterilization at participating veterinary hospitalsspay/neuter clinics and mobile spay/neuter clinics.


For more information about our spay/neuter program, as well as general benefits of spaying and neutering, go to:

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Thank you to our lifesaving partners who help us care for #LACityPets